By Marcos Vazquez Sanchez, COTA, The Hills Post Acute, Santa Ana, CA
Sensory Integration is a powerful skilled therapeutic approach that can increase our patients' functional performance. However, many therapists do not include it in their therapy sessions due to lack of equipment or knowledge.
As people age and continue to live longer, the sensory system begins to decrease in function. Some examples are the loss of hearing, vision, memory, touch, taste, smell, and proprioception. Skilled therapists can determine sensory deficits their patients are having and address them through a functional sensory therapeutic approach.
What is included in the sensory toolkit?
Projector (3D images/videos)
Music rain stick
Sensory stimulating lights
Visually stimulating colored puzzles
Aromatherapy diffuser with essential oils
Lavender lotions
Different textured objects for enhanced tactile sensations.
And more to come!
Increase in patients' participation in therapy by increasing attention to tasks
Increase therapists’ knowledge and creativity with sensory integration approaches
Increase in relaxation/calmness with dementia patients who tend to get agitated or are high fall risk
Increased usage of sensory billing code by month:
January: 17 units
February: 52 units
March: 93 units
April: 121 units
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